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who we are • pedro pinheiro

Pedro Pinheiro

founding partner • head of the filings and formalities department | LinkedIn


Pedro is one of the founding partners of magellan IP and is responsible for the day-to-day running of all non-technical activity in the firm. Pedro is responsible for the creation and continuous improvement of our paper-free and cloud-based procedures and workflows, as well as managing the filings and formalities department.

Prior to founding magellan IP, he was a board member of a hotel and real estate group of companies, being involved in designing the legal strategy of the group and in the management of operations for over 14 years.

Pedro has a law degree, but is a science and engineering geek at heart, and uses the diverse skills acquired at this intersection of interests to manage the non-technical teams of our firm and ensure all the technical members of magellan IP can focus solely on what they do best.


Practice areas

  • Patent filing and formalities

  • Design filing and formalities

  • Renewals

  • Business Intelligence


  • Bachelor of Laws degree from the Lusíada University (Lisbon, Portugal), with a specialization in constitutional law.


Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.